
Falco approved by CVPO

10 April 2023

Although the variety Falco is already commercially available since 2018 the breeding rights were still not officially granted to Flevo Berry. We are happy to announce that early April the Community Plant Variety Office (CVPO) granted the right and Falco can now officially be marketed without the VGS status ("voorlopige gezondheidsstatus").

Florice - a brand new variety with memorable taste

5 November 2022

If taste is what you are looking for, you should try Flevo Berry's brand new Florice. A nice shiny strawberry with a distinct shape and excellent taste and flavour.

Falco lives up to its promise, firm and tasteful during summer

15 August 2022

Last year was an excellent Falco year, a junebearer from the Flevo Berry breeding program. Only a few varieties can stand warm and dry summers and Falco is surely one of them.

Favori - becoming one of UK's most important everbearers

1 August 2022

Since many large growers start to operate more independently from soft fruit marketing agencies the demand for "open" varieties increases significantly. One of the varieties that benefits from this trend is Favori. A tasteful everbearer from the Flevo Berry breeding program.