Breeding better strawberries

Healthy and tasty, for you to enjoy all year round

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Falco approved by CVPO

10 April 2023

Although the variety Falco is already commercially available since 2018 the breeding rights were still not officially granted to Flevo Berry. We are h...

Florice - a brand new variety with memorable taste

5 November 2022

If taste is what you are looking for, you should try Flevo Berry's brand new Florice. A nice shiny strawberry with a distinct shape and excellent tast...

Falco lives up to its promise, firm and tasteful during summer

15 August 2022

Last year was an excellent Falco year, a junebearer from the Flevo Berry breeding program. Only a few varieties can stand warm and dry summers and Fal...

Favori - becoming one of UK's most important everbearers

1 August 2022

Since many large growers start to operate more independently from soft fruit marketing agencies the demand for "open" varieties increases significantl...

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Our search for strong strawberry varieties

We breed better strawberries. Not just varieties with excellent fruit full of taste and flavour. Our goal is to enable sustainable strawberry cultivation by introducing strong varieties. Varieties which are low in maintenance, less vulnerable for diseases, easier to pick and that can be grown using only biological plant protection. Whether you grow your strawberries the old fashion way in open fields or in a high tech vertical farm we have a variety suitable for your way of working.

Propagation & Sales

We focus on breeding whilst our partners focus on plant propagation and strawberry production. Within Europe we have partnerships with several well-known professional propagators. Looking for someone who can supply plants in your region? Check our propagation & sales partners.

Research & Development

Strawberry breeding is all about selecting and trialing. Annually we cultivate over 50 thousand seedlings. Only a few will make it to introduction. The whole process takes 8 to 10 years of research. This research is not only done by ourselves. We cherish our partnerships with several leading research institutions and trial sites.

Latest events

Expo-SE 2023

22 November 2023Karlsruhe (Germany)Event website

Delphy ISFC Field Day

7 June 2023Horst (The Netherlands)Event website
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